
Canberra, 25-26 September 2007 - EC Meeting



Members: Chen Zhu (Ministry of Health, PRC) and Howard Alper (The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada (RSC)); Australian Academy of Science, Kurt Lambeck, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Naiyyum Choudhury, Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Eduardo Krieger; Cuban Academy of Sciences, Sergio Pastrana, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), Egypt, Mohsen M. Shoukry, Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, Gerhard Gottschalk; Science Council of Japan, Masato Takeichi; Akademi Sains Malaysia, Mazlan Othman, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Robert Kaptein, Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal, M. Alassane Dialy Ndiaye, The Royal Society, UK, Bernie Jones
M.H.A. Hassan, Executive Director, TWAS (Ex Officio), Joanna C.R. Lacey, IAP Secretariat.

Observers: T. Rosswall, ICSU; P. de Goes representing J. Campbell (IAC).

Guests: Mike Clegg (US NAS); Jüri Engelbrecht (ALLEA), Namik Aras (AASA), Soon Ting Kueh (FASAS).

Others: Sue Serjeantson, Jenny Graves, Nancy Pritchard, Masatoshi Tsunaki, Keiko Murata, Fujio Ohno, Miao Ling Thompson, Wang Zhenyu, Nasaruddin Abd. Rahman

Apologies for absence: John Campbell (IAC); Hernan Chaimovich IANAS; Edoardo Vesentini