
Ottawa 8-9 September 2008 - EC Meeting



Howard Alper (The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada (RSC)); Australian Academy of Science, Kurt Lambeck; Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Naiyyum Choudhury; Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Hernan Chaimovich; Cuban Academy of Sciences, Sergio Pastrana; Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), Egypt, Ashraf Shaalan; Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, Günter Stock; Science Council of Japan, Norihisa Doi; Akademi Sains Malaysia, Hj Ahmad Zaidee Laidin; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Ed Noort; Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal, M. Alassane Dialy Ndiaye; The Royal Society, UK, Lorna Casselton
M.H.A. Hassan, Executive Director, TWAS (Ex Officio), Joanna C.R. Lacey, IAP Secretariat.

Observers: Goverdhan Mehta, (ICSU); Bruce Alberts, (IAC); Guy de Thé (IAMP)

Guests: Mike Clegg (US NAS); Rusty L. Schweickart (ASE-NEO Committee), Jutta Schnitzer-Ungefug (Leopoldina)

Others: Lü Yonglong, Wang Zhenyu, Miao Ling Thompson, Tracey Elliott, P. de Goes, Masato Takeichi, Taiji Harashima, Noriko Nakamura, Linda Johnson, John Campbell

Apologies for absence: Chen Zhu, I. Clark Arxer, M. Shoukry, T. Hussein, Nasaruddin Abd. Rahman