Won-Hoon Park
Since recruited by Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in 1972, for which he eventually served as the president (1996-1999), Won Hoon Park has played the leading role in enhancing Korea's R&D capabilities for industry, acdemia and government reaearch institutes with his pioneering research activities especially in energy and environment.
He served also as chairman and CEO of Korea Research Council for Industrial Science and Technology, which oversees nine Government Research Institutes (2002-2005). He has been also a perennial member of Korea's Presidential Council on Science and Technology' and National Science and Technology Council.
He has been presidents of numerous academic and social societies of Korea;Korean Academy of Environmental Science and Technology, Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, Korean Solar Energy Society, Korean Society of Clean Technology, etc.
Internationally he served as preisdent of International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Assiciations(IUAPPA), and now he is the president of the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA).