IAP’s regional networks AASSA, IANAS and NASAC are continuing their work on Climate Change and Health despite the persisting Covid-19 pandemic. The Asian academy network AASSA held its first working group meeting in February in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The working group comprises experts from diverse national backgrounds spanning all of the Asian subcontinent as well as Oceania.
The American (IANAS) and African (NASAC) networks had to replace their physical working group meetings with online conferences which took place in March and May respectively.
The three networks are now drafting their respective reports which will focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies that bring health co-benefits for their regions and which will also include a few case studies. These reports, together with the report by the European network (EASAC), will form the basis of an IAP global synthesis report to be produced in the course of 2021/2022.