
UNTFHS-WAAS-IAP survey on Human Security

Agriculture & Food Security
Environment & Climate
Sustainable Development Goals
The deadline for completion of the survey is 28 February 2021.

As noted in the UN General Assembly resolution 66/290, “human security is an approach to assist Member States in identifying and addressing widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of their people.” It calls for “people-centred, comprehensive, context-specific and prevention-oriented responses that strengthen the protection and empowerment of all people.”

According to the UN, the application of human security can significantly enhance actions taken to fully realize the transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Sustaining Peace Agenda (you can find more info about the human security approach here).

The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) has teamed up with its member, the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), to run a survey in collaboration with the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS).

The aim to to gauge completed or current activities and interest in future engagement on the issue of Human Security.

Human Security has emerged as a valuable framework for placing sustained improvements in all dimensions of people’s lives as the foundation for thriving, stable and inclusive societies.

Additional explanation and the survey itself can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Academies-Research-Institutions-Survey.

Survey respondents should be senior staff of science academies and research institutes associated with or interested in exploring the value of Human Security activities which directly impact on public policies, social initiatives and other activities to address basic human needs, social equity, sustainable livelihoods and other dimensions of Human Security. In other parts of the same projects, separate surveys are being conducted for UN Member States, UN entities, as well as Parliamentarians and civil society organizations working on Human Security.

The deadline for completion of the survey is 28 February 2021.

Note that you can return to the survey to make additions or modifications any time before pressing the final SUBMIT button on the last page. Your answers will be preserved and accessible so long as you access the survey through the same device as used initially to log in to it.

Should you have any questions when completing this survey, please contact support@worldacademy.org.

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